Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Hey my fellow Gladiators!

Hope you guys are enjoying the sun and the extra hours of sleep. If you remember, I said I would touch bases with you guys through the blog, and talk about the books we are reading during the summer.
I finished the Hunger Games trilogy with Mockingjay that weekend after the last day of school, and although Mockingjay was not a disappointment, my favorite of the trilogy was Catching Fire.

After packing up everything for the summer in the classroom, I ran across The Maze Runner. (I know, it's not on the summer reading list, but I really liked the book and I never finished it.) So, after Mockingjay, I picked up where I left off there. (Which was closer to the end anyway.) Unfortunately/Fortunately, I found out Maze Runner is a trilogy as well, and James Dashner likes to put a sneak preview of his next book in the back. So, after reading Chapters 1-3 of book 2 in the trilogy, I ran out to Barnes and Noble and purchased The Scorched Trials (Book 2), and two books off the Summer Reading List (Matched and Divergent). Did I mention that both of these are trilogies as well.

I finished reading the Scorched Trials, and now I'm itching to read Book 3, The Death Cure. Especially since I read a sneak It's a great trilogy. If you like Hunger Games, but want a little less romance, more action and a faster pace then definitely check it out.

Share with me any of your summer reading adventures, or just say hi by commenting below. Enjoy the summer, and if you want me to look over your summer reading essays to make sure they're perfect, shoot an e-mail.


Ms. Allen

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